he returned in triumph to claim his throne 意味

  • 王位を(当然のものとして)要求するために意気揚々と戻った


        renounce one's claim to the throne:    王位継承権{おうい けいしょう けん}を放棄{ほうき}する
        set up a claim to the throne:    王権{おうけん}を主張{しゅちょう}する
        child who has returned to his or her country:    child who has returned to his or her country 帰国子女 きこくしじょ
        returned:    {形} : 帰ってきた、送り返された
        forgot to pay his brain bill., he:    彼はばか[あほ]だ。
        give someone what he needs for his illness:    (人)の病気{びょうき}を治す[治療{ちりょう}する]のに必要{ひつよう}なものを与える
        he stands in a desert counting the seconds of his life:    {映画} : 時を数えて、砂漠に立つ◆米1985
        remind someone that he is late in his payment:    (人)の支払いが遅れていることを指摘{してき}する
        in triumph:    勝ち誇って、勝利感{しょうり かん}に酔って、大手{おおで}を振って、意気揚々{いき ようよう}と、得意{とくい}になって、得意満面{とくい まんめん}で、得々{とくとく}と
        to triumph:    to triumph 勝ち誇る かちほこる
        triumph:     1triumph n. 凱旋(がいせん), 勝利; 大成功, 偉業; 傑作. 【動詞+】 achieve a triumph 勝利を得る announce a triumph 大成功だったと宣言する celebrate the triumph of democracy 民主主義の勝利を祝う He didn't have long to enj
        with triumph:    勝ち誇って
        a throne:    a throne 御座所 ご座所 ござしょ
        on the throne:    《be ~》王位{おうい}に就いている、在位{ざいい}する
        the throne:    the throne 王位 おうい 帝位 ていい


  1. "he returned his orderly's salute" 意味
  2. "he returned home from the war safe and sound" 意味
  3. "he returned home in a rather glum humor" 意味
  4. "he returned home in a softened mood" 意味
  5. "he returned home on furlough" 意味
  6. "he returned my bow" 意味
  7. "he returned my clasp" 意味
  8. "he returned my manuscript with the comment that he thought it needed tightening up in a few places" 意味
  9. "he returned to britain with all his ambitions crushed" 意味
  10. "he returned home in a softened mood" 意味
  11. "he returned home on furlough" 意味
  12. "he returned my bow" 意味
  13. "he returned my clasp" 意味

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